FAQ, short for “Frequently Asked Questions” or frequently asked questions.
Here you will find answers to our most frequently asked questions. Is your question not included? Simply contact our head office. Contact information can be found Click HERE.
Q: Where are the jewels from PHANTASYA manufactured?
A: Our designs all come from our head office in Wettingen, Switzerland.
In order to be able to produce our jewelry more cost-effectively for our customers, we have a large number of specialists from all over the world as partners. Italy for leather and silver, Spain for gold and much more.
All of our partners are subject to our strict standards of quality and ethics.
Q: I ordered something but I want to return it. How do I do that?
A: It is best to send the goods to be returned in their original packaging to our head office.
It is important to note that you do not remove and/or damage the labels attached to the jewelry. Otherwise, the items will be considered "purchased" and will no longer be subject to the return policy of PHANTASYA but only the guarantee.
Q: I live in or outside the EU. Can I PHANTASYA order and if so, what can I expect?
We generally ship anywhere in the EU. Our customers should note that after the purchase, the VAT usual in the receiving country will be charged by the relevant office. These additional costs are the responsibility of the PHANTASYA no influence.
Shipping to countries outside the EU is possible. Please contact the head office at the email shop@phantasya.ch.